Welcome to the Chelsea School District Afterschool Care Program. We provide safe and affordable care for Chelsea School District young fives/kindergarten through fifth grade students after school and on many non-school days.
Chelsea Community Preschool uses the High Scope curriculum to help children develop the skills necessary to succeed as they head into their K-12 careers. We have many class options available.
Chelsea School District Community Education and Recreation is dedicated to educating and enriching the community.
First Steps Washtenaw is an early childhood parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten, usually age 5.
Chelsea Community Education provides all youth and adult recreation activities to the residents of the Chelsea School District, including the City of Chelsea, as well as outlying areas outside District boundaries.
Adult enrichment with Community Education means evening and weekend programs for adults of all ages and interests. These programs are open to residents of the Chelsea School District, and also to adults who reside outside of the District boundaries.
Chelsea Community Education's 4-week Super Saturday program offers children Pre-K through 6th grade an opportunity to explore new interests and activities without a big time or money commitment.
Youth enrichment is one of the main components of Community Education. We offer after-school, evening and some weekend youth enrichment programs.
Chelsea Community Education provides all youth and adult recreation activities to the residents of the Chelsea School District, including the City of Chelsea, as well as outlying areas outside District boundaries.
The Chelsea Writers’ Workshop is for people who want to improve their writing and storytelling by giving and receiving substantive feedback on stories, essays or poems written by each participant throughout the semester. If you are a creative writer over 18, come join us. You must have access to a computer and the internet, critique others’ work, and submit your own work for critique at least once.
Each session we will also welcome a published author to present to the group. As soon as the guest author is finalized we will publish that information!
Register online or by phone at 734-433-2208, Ext. 6042. Contact Mark Jenkins at mark@sometimeaway.com for more information. Registrants will be e-mailed a link to a brief interest survey to be completed prior to the first meeting.
Mark Jenkins , Meg Gower , Shanelle O Boluyt
No Class Jan 25, Feb 8, Feb 22, Mar 8, Mar 22, Mar 29, Apr 12 & Apr 26
Online registration is over