Welcome to the Chelsea School District Afterschool Care Program. We provide safe and affordable care for Chelsea School District young fives/kindergarten through fifth grade students after school and on many non-school days.
Chelsea Community Preschool uses the High Scope curriculum to help children develop the skills necessary to succeed as they head into their K-12 careers. We have many class options available.
Chelsea School District Community Education and Recreation is dedicated to educating and enriching the community.
First Steps Washtenaw is an early childhood parent education and family support program serving families throughout pregnancy until their child enters kindergarten, usually age 5.
Chelsea Community Education provides all youth and adult recreation activities to the residents of the Chelsea School District, including the City of Chelsea, as well as outlying areas outside District boundaries.
Adult enrichment with Community Education means evening and weekend programs for adults of all ages and interests. These programs are open to residents of the Chelsea School District, and also to adults who reside outside of the District boundaries.
Chelsea Community Education's 4-week Super Saturday program offers children Pre-K through 6th grade an opportunity to explore new interests and activities without a big time or money commitment.
Youth enrichment is one of the main components of Community Education. We offer after-school, evening and some weekend youth enrichment programs.
Chelsea Community Education provides all youth and adult recreation activities to the residents of the Chelsea School District, including the City of Chelsea, as well as outlying areas outside District boundaries.
In this introductory class, students will learn a foundation of vocabulary for carrying on simple conversations and talking about the world around them. This will include greetings, the classroom, colors, numbers, weather, days of the week, and months. Topics may change depending on interests of the students in class as well. We will practice speaking, writing, and reading Spanish during classes as well as play games, read stories, sing songs and do related crafts! Space is limited in this class, so be sure to register early!
This after-school program is available at South Meadows for grades 3-5. Participants must be picked up promptly at the end of class.
Christine Drake Oswal studied cultural anthropology and Spanish at Macalester College. In addition to studying abroad, she has also taught English as a Second Language (ESL) for several years as well as earning her certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). As a freelance writer now, she hopes to share her love of Spanish with you.
Christine Drake Oswal
No Class Feb 4, Feb 25, Mar 4, Mar 11 & Mar 18
Online registration is over